Monday, November 12, 2007

Pumpkin toss / Will's 2 month Birthday

Waiting over a week to toss the pumpkins was a bad idea. They were mushy. Therefore, I did not toss this year.

You can see the greenish gray mold on them.

Pumpkin action shot!

Baby Will's 2 month birthday has been rough. He started the day with a visit to the doctor where he got several shots. Now the shots are making him feel bad - he has a low fever and has been sleepy/fussy all day. On the up side, he weighed in at 11 lbs. and measured 22 in. long.


ikhandoit said...

too precious!!

Courtney & Co. said...

Is it just me, or do we all have the best looking boys in the world. . .a family of heart breakers on the rise!
We Love you guys!

Courtney & Co.